Saturday, June 6, 2009

Silly Girl

So, today we were at the Seven Peaks getting our swim on, just enjoying our time. Our little Hallie was bouncing around the kiddie pool minding her own business, when out of the blue she came up and gave Whit a hug and a kiss. She hopped up and down and made her way over to me and gave me a little smooch and a hug as well. I asked her to give Ashton a hug and a kiss to, she took one look at his boogery little face and proceed to jump around the pool...that's our cute little Hallie-bean.

So, we kept playing for a while, when Hallie went back up to Whit and gave her another kiss. A few seconds later, she came back up to with to give her yet ANOTHER smooch, hah, Whit was excited with her mouth wide open as Hallie went in for the kill. Whit was about to pucker up, when instead a cute little kiss from her daughter, Hallie attacked spit a mouthful of water into Whitney's mouth! muwahahaha...the little schemester (she IS related to her Grandpa Morris after all) was successful in her plot to squirt her mama! What's better, and lest you think this was a mere coincidence (for surely such a cute little one could not be capable A few minutes later she tried to dupe her daddy with the same bag of tricks: first, with the cute little smoochie, and then, seconds later, with the feign-smooch-face-full-of-squirt maneuver.

And that's our cute, dainty little Hallie girl, who is still isn't heavy enough for gravity to push her down the water slides (haha, she has to scoot her way down). That's OK Hal, one of these days you'll be heavy enough to slide on down the slide without having to schooch down the entire way...unless you figure out how to trick gravity into pushing you down first. =]


1 comment:

Kari said...

This is hilarious. Hallie sounds like a pretty fun girl, I wished I lived closer :( .... someday Whit and I will have our dream of living right next door to one another!