Sunday, March 7, 2010


Hallie's been super cute this past week.  She's on this kick of telling stories that ramble on and on, but they're so cute in her little voice.  She's also hit the "why?" stage, where everything i tell her is followed up by asking "why?" at least 12 times.  I'm trying not to be that mom that just ignores their child after the first 3 whys? but it can get a little exasperating at times :)  If we could just get her to get along with Ashton and not be so possessive, she'd be near angelic! I can't really complain too much though, you've gotta have something to work on, right?
Also, in the next week or two I'll be adding a blog link to my website where I'll post different places where I've found inspiration or just tips on cake decorating.  Unfortunately, this also means that I'll probably be posting a little less here and a little more there, but I'll still be around, whether here or there.

Hope everyone has a fabulous week!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

That is a cute picture of her. I hear WHY can be tuff. But Whitney I remember you had the talent of patience.